10 Questions About Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) – Andrew Carey and Edward Kuwera

Thyroid eye disease (TED), also known as Graves’ ophthalmopathy, is an autoimmune disorder often caused by thyroid dysfunction. People with thyroid eye disease may experience diplopia (double vision), proptosis (bulging eyes) and/or strabismus (misalignment of the eyes). Management of TED symptoms requires a multi-disciplinary approach to eye care. For example, someone seeing double as a result of TED may be referred to a neuro-ophthalmologist. Alternatively, a patient who notices their eye(s) drifting inward or outward because of TED may be referred to a strabismus surgeon. We asked Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine experts Andrew Carey and Edward Kuwera 10 questions about TED, including what patients can expect during an exam and how different symptoms may be treated.