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#RAREis Scholarship Fund
Living with a rare disease means managing unique challenges, including frequent doctor visits, rigorous treatment regimens & hospitalizations, and exposure risks. While quality and duration of life continues to improve thanks to improved diagnosis and treatment approaches, individuals living with rare diseases still face disparities in achieving traditional life milestones.
That’s why the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases established the #RAREis Scholarship Fund – to enrich the lives of adults living with rare diseases by providing support for their educational pursuits. Thanks to the support of Horizon Therapeutics plc, one-time awards of $5,000 each will be granted to up to 53 recipients for the Fall 2022 semester. The 2022 #RAREis Scholarship Fund application is open March 18- April 22, 2022.
Disclaimer: Horizon supports the mission of oneGRAVESvoice and has provided financial support for this platform. Horizon neither owns or controls this platform, and unless expressly stated otherwise, does not have editorial control over content or responsibility for any other information or services.

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