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Virtual Support Group Hosted by Yale Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgery
In collaboration with the GDATF, Yale Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgery will host their first thyroid support group meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 6 PM EST via Zoom. Dr. Larissa Habib, MD, an oculoplastic surgeon, and an endocrinologist will speak briefly about thyroid eye disease, followed by an open session with patient participation.
This will be an opportunity to learn more about thyroid eye conditions, such as Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and euthyroid eye disease. It will allow patients to share information, their experience with their thyroid conditions, and insight on how they are coping, as well as offer support. This meeting is free of charge and open to patients, friends, and family members.
This event has expired.

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