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Joe Sharma, MD
Healthcare Professional Director, Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery
Emory University Hospital
1364 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jyotirmay (Joe) Sharma, MD, FACS, is Professor and William C. McGarity Chair of Surgery in the Division of General and GI Surgery of the Department of Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine. Dr. Sharma also serves as Director of Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery at Emory University Hospital.
Dr. Sharma is heavily involved in the Department of Surgery’s quality and safety efforts, particularly as chair of the Wound Infection Group (WIG), which was formed with a mandate to reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) at Emory hospitals. SSIs are one of the more common healthcare-associated infections. The multidisciplinary group’s agenda involves all aspects of patient care, from preoperative visits and perioperative counseling to intraoperative issues and postoperative care.
Dr. Sharma is also a frequent faculty participant in Emory Medishare’s summer surgical trips to L’Hôpital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche in Haiti’s Central Plateau, the poorest and most medically underserved region in all of Haiti. He routinely performs outpatient parathyroidectomies, outpatient thyroidectomies, and adrenalectomies using minimally invasive techniques and has published various journal articles on these techniques.
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