rarepoll listing - oneGRAVESvoice


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  • What practices do you employ to help cope with stress? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • Has Graves' disease affected your oral / dental health? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • As a person diagnosed with Graves' disease, what other autoimmune diseases have you been diagnosed with? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • How do you find a new provider when you need one? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • Where do you look for information on Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • Have you tried to help spread awareness of Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease?vote now
  • What are the major Graves’ disease symptoms you deal with day-to-day? Please select all that apply.vote now
  • Are you able to care for yourself or do you require assistance of a caregiver?vote now
  • How happy are you with your level of medical care?vote now
  • What do people with Graves' disease and thyroid eye disease need most during this period of response to COVID-19?vote now
  • Do you have a good way of explaining what Graves' disease is to others?vote now
  • Individuals with Graves’ disease often have a history of other family members with thyroid or autoimmune problems. Have other family members been diagnosed? vote now
  • What is your most worrisome Graves’ disease symptom?vote now
  • Which of the following eye symptoms have you experienced as the result of Graves’ or Thyroid Eye Disease?vote now
  • Have you been diagnosed with thyroid eye disease? vote now
  • If you have been diagnosed with Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease, how old were you when you received your diagnosis? vote now
  • How much time do you spend per week researching, discussing, participating in social media, etc., related to Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease?vote now
  • Who is the person who has helped you most through your Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease journey? vote now
  • Has Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease ever interfered with your work life? vote now
  • Has Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease ever interfered in your personal relationships? vote now
  • Do you feel that managing your Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease experience has made you a stronger person? vote now
  • Do you think others outside of your close friends and family understand the challenges you face in your Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease journey? vote now
  • Have you ever felt guilty about some aspect of having Graves’ disease or thyroid eye disease? vote now

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