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I Knew Something Was Wrong: Wanda Durant on Her Graves’ Disease Diagnosis, TED And Being Son Kevin’s Biggest Fan
Usually, when you see Wanda Durant, she’s all about the game of basketball. She can often be seen sitting courtside at NBA games, rooting emphatically for her son, Kevin Durant. She roots for him off the court too, uplifting him in all he does as an athlete who deals with a lot of unwanted commentary and criticism.
“I’m Kevin’s biggest fan,” she tells ESSENCE. “He’s always going to be Kevin and that’s it. I understand the arena in which he’s in and being a professional athlete, you are going to have some who love him, but some don’t. I’m still his mom so it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what other people say. I enjoy him.”
Ms. Wanda is hoping to uplift others when it comes to a topic very important to her: Graves’ disease and thyroid eye disease. The mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, and philanthropist is someone thriving with Graves. She was diagnosed 17 years ago after suffering for years with alarming ailments.

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