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How Vanessa Vanderstraaten Copes With the Disease, Hyperthyroidism
On the surface, everything appears to be going well for 27-year-old actress-host Vanessa Vanderstraaten. She’s got the looks, a good career, and a sweet relationship with fellow Fly Entertainment artiste Andrew Lua to boot. Watching her radiate such energy and positivity on set and off, it’s hard to imagine Vanessa has been battling the disease, hyperthyroidism, since last April.
When did Vanessa Vanderstraaten first notice the signs of the disease?
It all began when Vanessa started losing weight without changing her lifestyle. Despite eating more than usual, the numbers on the scale kept dropping. “Back in April, I was really eating like a pig,” she says with a laugh. “I was hungry every two hours, and my typical daily meal plan went like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, tea, dinner, snack, snack, supper!” Despite her voracious appetite, she lost 4kg within a month.

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