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Battling Graves’ Disease: When Everything Changed Podcast
In this episode of When Everything Changed, we hear from Madeline, a graduate student who was diagnosed with Graves’ disease. During her summer break from school, she started experiencing nausea, frequent hunger, weight loss, overheating, and muscle weakness. When the symptoms did not clear up on their own, she wisely decided to seek medical help.
Her doctor ran tests and found that her thyroid numbers were out of the normal range (the thyroid gland is found at the base of the neck and produces hormones that affect all aspects of the body including metabolism). Her doctor recommended an endocrinologist, a specialist who provides treatment for the thyroid gland.
The endocrinologist diagnosed her with hyperthyroidism, which means that her body produces an excess amount of thyroid hormone. Graves’ disease is often the underlying cause of hyperthyroidism.

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