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Scientific literature and patient education texts
Thyroid Eye Disorders
source: American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS)
year: 2021
summary/abstract:What is the Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located at the base of the front of the neck. The thyroid gland regulates the thyroid hormone, and plays an important role in regulating body metabolism.
What are Euthyroid, Hyperthyroid, and Hypothyroid?
Normal thyroid hormone level in the blood is considered euthyroid. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, it can produce either too much hormone (hyperthyroid) or too little (hypothyroid). Either imbalance can cause a variety of symptoms. When abnormal hormone production is associated with an offending antibody, eye symptoms can develop (Graves’ disease). In some cases, hyperthyroidism (high hormone production) can occur without eye disease.
What are the Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism?
Typical symptoms of hyperthyroid include fatigue, fast heartbeat, weight loss, heat intolerance, thinning hair and diarrhea. Hypothyroid may also cause fatigue, but with slow heartbeat, constipation and weight gain.
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