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Boston Marathon: Graves’ Disease Won’t Deter Sarah Cormier From Dreams
At least 90 percent of the time, we’re wise to follow our doctor’s advice, right?
Yet as we all know, the medical profession isn’t perfect. Just ask Sarah Cormier, who four years ago was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, a chronic autoimmune condition for which there is no cure.
“I was achy all the time and really tired, and I had been complaining about it to my doctor, who told me I should just get used to it,” Cormier said, “and that there’s not a cure, so I’ll get used to being tired and achy all the time. And I wasn’t a runner, so she said, ‘It’s not as if you’ll run a marathon or anything, but you’ll get used to it.’ ”
Today, Cormier has a different doctor. And on Monday, she’ll take on her first Boston Marathon, following her first experience at 26.2 miles at last fall’s Cape Cod Marathon.

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