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Eve D. Bloomgarden, MD
Healthcare Professional Assistant Professor
Northwestern University
NMH/Galter 14th Floor
675 N Saint Clair
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Eve D. Bloomgarden is Assistant Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) at Northwestern Medicine. She received her medical degree from New York University followed by internship and residency in medicine from Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She also completed her fellowship in endocrinology from Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bloomgarden is board certified in endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism, and internal medicine.
Dr. Bloomgarden’s focus is the management of patients with thyroid, pituitary, and metabolic bone disorders which includes patients with thyroid cancer, pituitary adenomas, hyperprolactinemia, autoimmune thyroid disorders (Graves’ disease), thyroid disease in pregnancy, osteoporosis, and parathyroid problems.
Representative Publications:
Surgical Treatment of Prolactinomas: Cons
Get the Science Right When Paying for Nature’s Services
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