Madhura A. Tamhankar, MD - oneGRAVESvoice

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Madhura A. Tamhankar, MD

Healthcare Professional
Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
Scheie Eye Institute
University of Pennsylvania
51 N. 39th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Madhura A. Tamhankar is Associate Professor of ophthalmology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her medical schooling from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, India followed by residency from Nair Hospital. She also did her research fellowship in glaucoma, Wills Eye Hospital, 1998-2000, and internship in preliminary surgery, Yale University, St. Mary’s Hospital, 2000-2001. She did another fellowship in neuro-ophthalmology in 2002-2003 and residency in ophthalmology, Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania, 2004-2007.

Dr. Tamhankar also serves as Attending Surgeon, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Her clinical expertise includes treating cases of neuro-ophthalmology, strabismus, orbital disorder, thyroid eye disease, double vision (diplopia), orbital tumors, papilledema, prisms, etc. She is also appointed as Associate Professor of neurology at Penn Medicine.


Representative Publications:

No Light Perception Vision From Compressive Thyroid Orbitopathy

Relationship Between Optic Nerve Appearance and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness as Explored  With Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

The Role of Orbital Ultrasonography in Distinguishing Papilledema From Pseudopapilledema

Isolated Third, Fourth, and Sixth Cranial Nerve Palsies From Presumed Microvascular Versus Other Causes: A Prospective Study

Effectiveness of Prisms in the Management of Diplopia in Patients Due to Diverse Etiologies

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