The information and materials accessed through or made available for use on any of our Sites, including, any information about diseases, conditions, treatments, or medicines, are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and your participation on our Sites does not create a healthcare professional-patient relationship. You should consult a doctor or other qualified health care professional regarding any questions you have about your health or before making any decisions related to your health or wellness. Call your doctor or 911 immediately if you think you may have a medical emergency.message sent
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Thyroid Federation International – Facebook
Thyroid Federation International aims to work for the benefit of those affected by thyroid disorders throughout the world.
Objectives include:
• To encourage and assist the formation of patient oriented thyroid organizations.
• To work closely with the medical professions to promote awareness and understanding of thyroid disorders and their complications.
• To provide, through member organizations, information and moral support to those affected by thyroid disorders.
• To promote education and research related to thyroid disorders.

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