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Learning to ‘Rise and Fall’ With Cerebral Palsy and Graves’ Disease
Life has a way of bestowing things upon us that can mold and shape the soul. Some leave us empty and cold, while others prove to be the greatest gifts we’ve received or could ever give. They’re the bloodlines to the stories written in our hearts — granting us the title of mother, father, sister, brother, friend — or any other title or honor that’s earned. It’s because of the things we’re given that we’re able to wear as many hats and play as many roles as we want — but only the ones we are truly meant for.
I was never fortunate enough to be bestowed with the role of a mother, but I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, and friend. These are all roles that have made me who I am, and I’m proud to take on every single one day in and day out.

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