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Trusted Resources: News & Meetings
Latest announcements and gatherings
New York Walk & Public Forum
We walk to raise awareness, and to honor and support family members, friends and colleagues who are battling one or more of the more than 100 autoimmune disorders. We walk to give hope to the 50 million affected nationwide.
Funds raised through the Autoimmune Walk will be used by American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) to support critical research aimed at solving the underlying immune issues that link ALL autoimmune disorders. Our mission is to eradicate these serious and life-threatening diseases while providing help and hope through patient education and support services.
Join us for:
• Information & Resources
• Live Entertainment
• Pre-Walk Warm-up Session
• A Walk around Pier 45 and surrounding area
• Waffles & Dinges
• Autoimmune Speakers
• And more!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Hudson River Park, Pier 45
Greenwich Village, New York, United States
This event has ended.

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