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Chrysoula Dosiou, MD
Healthcare Professional Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine - Endocrinology,
Gerontology, & Metabolism
Stanford Health Care
300 Pasteur Drive
1st Floor, Suite A175
Stanford, California, United States
Chrysoula Dosiou specializes in the treatment of patients with thyroid disease. She has a special interest in the evaluation and treatment of thyroid disease in the setting of pregnancy and the care of patients with thyroid eye disease. Dr. Dosiou received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School. She then completed her internship and residency from the UCSF Department of Medicine, followed by fellowships in hematology-oncology and endocrinology from Stanford University.
Representative Publications:
Teprotumumab for Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy: Early Response to Therapy
Radioactive Iodine in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A National Database Perspective
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